Author: Anugrah Nagaich

Anugrah Nagaich is a Natural Resources Engineer, Environmental Manager and Urban Planner by profession, and an environmentalist by heart. Besides his teaching career, he is currently engaged in various exploratory researches across several inter-disciplinary domains while also volunteering for few social causes.

(continued from earlier series…) As urbanization and globalization continue apace, cities will become the front line actors in the carbon emissions and climate change arenas. Recycling practices are among the most promising at reducing the ecological footprint of cities and entire city regions. The future of hundreds of millions of people in urban areas across the world will be affected by the different impacts of rapid urbanization and climate change. The impacts will vary depending on the form of settlement, geographic considerations and the nature of the local economy. The overall vulnerability of human settlements will increase as confirmed by…

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(Continued from previous article) The advanced cities of 21st century contribute to nearly 80% of all the waste that is generated by different anthropogenic activities, and constitutes up to 60% of the total Greenhouse Gas Emissions which contribute to the phenomenon of global warming as well as climate change. We are repeatedly warned again and again that the sea-level is rising twice as fast as previously forecasted while threatening hundreds of millions of people across the globe. But the threat of sea-level rise to cities is only one piece of the puzzle, extreme weather patterns such as intense storms are…

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According to the United Nations report launched in 2014, more than 54% of the world’s population in the current times lives in urban settings and the number is much higher for developed nations. Along with economic opportunities, the current city life has brought people together in uncomfortable ways leading to ghettos, poverty and crime. The discussions and debates on what could be a better, healthy, natural living have given rise to newer concepts such as smart cities, Eco-cities, Green cities and so on. Yet modern day city life is a far cry from what the architects of ancient India had…

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